we talk about a healthy diet, it helps to know that there are five
characteristics in the plan that is referred to as the A,
B, C, M, V (Adequacy, Balance, Calorie Control, Moderation, and
Variety) principles. Adequacy is concerning the adequate amount of
nutrition found in the food that is being eaten. Balance is about
eating a balanced amount of each necessary nutrient. To maintain a
healthy weight and to obtain enough energy from the food, calorie
control is needed. Moderation helps keep the intake of foods that are
high in salt or sugar at a balance. Variety keeps the amount of
nutrients steadily flowing in, on a regular basis. Behavior plays a
big part in why we may choose the foods that we eat. Most of us have
a basic knowledge of what foods are healthy and which ones are not.
We are pretty aware that our bodies need the nutrients we may get
through our diet which are essential to good health. Even with this
knowledge, some still have the tendency to eat the unhealthy foods.
Why would we make these unhealthy choices if we know that this type
of diet is not good for us? Perhaps
one of the reasons for food choices may be someone's preferences of
food or drink, the taste of the food. Lifestyle may be a factor too,
in that the individual may not be able to afford certain types of
healthy foods. Many families have their own cultures or traditions
concerning types of food and how much of it to eat. Habits that have
been established a long time ago, eating food for comfort, living a
hectic lifestyle, and the advertisement from restaurants may also
influence food choices as well. There may be many factors that
influence food choices. There may be social pressure to eat certain
foods, psychological reasons, like depression, or the physical aspect
of just liking how the food tastes, an already established habit may
be a factor as well as false advertisements (Sizer,
& Whitney, 2013).
I anyone knew me personally, they would know that I am living such a
fast paced and hectic lifestyle, that I do not have a set eating
plan. I either forget to eat, or I eat in a hurry which causes me to
make unhealthy food choices.
For sound advice on this very subject, you can look into an article
Eating in a Hurry. This
offers guidelines on how we can put a nutritionally balanced meals
together while staying true to a healthy diet plan, no matter if our
lifestyle is hectic (Healthy Eating, 2012).
eating in a hurry. (2012). Nursing
F. & Whitney, E. (2013). Nutrition:
Concepts and Controversies (13th
ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
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